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Section 25 - Retrofit [Vinyl, LP]

  • Section 25 - Retrofit [Vinyl, LP]

Formaat: LP

€33,90 Koop

Op voorraad.

Gelimiteerde gekleurde herpersing van zevende Section 25 studioalbum (2010). Zo denkt The Quietus erover: Gathered here is a selection of Section 25 faves, re-recorded and re-thought. The idea is born from their invigorating live set – compelling use of technology to lift them (almost) free from the familiar shards of 80s underground. Shockingly, this newattack works. All this tightening appears to have tugged the band into a sense of Now, gloriously at odds with the contemporary norm.

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Label:Factory Benelux
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Isabel Nabuurs (geb. 1976)

Alabama Shakes, maart 2012
