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Khanate - Things Viral [CD]

  • Khanate - Things Viral [CD]

Formaat: CD

Ook beschikbaar als: 2LP

€16,90 Koop

Op voorraad.

Tweede album uit 2003. Invloedrijke heavy avant-garde supergroep. Destijds op sleeptouw genomen door buizenversterker magiër Stephen O’Malley (Sunn0))) met James Plotkin en leden van OLD en Blind Idiot God. PITCHFORK: Khanate have that skill for unfolding an action in such excruciating detail that you’re slowly edged off your seat… Things Viral is extreme enough to appeal to people who don’t have any interest in metal. Referenties: Sunn O))), Swans, Godflesh, Neurosis, Boris, Earth, Om, Corrupted, Eyehategod.

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Label:Sacred Bones
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Daniel Cohen (geb. 1979)

Cody Chesnutt, november 2012



