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Haxan Cloak - Excavation [Vinyl, 2LP]

  • Haxan Cloak - Excavation [Vinyl, 2LP]

Formaat: 2LP

Ook beschikbaar als: CD

€37,90 Koop

Op voorraad.

Haxan Cloak aka Bobby Krlic werkte het afgelopen decennium met de crème de la crème zoals Björk, Goldfrapp en Father John Misty. Oorspronkelijk uit op Tri Angle in 2013. Nu op vinyl uit op Haxan Cloak’s spiksplinternieuwe eigen label Archaic Devices… if not a concept record, certainly one with a unifying theme. It’s supposedly the sonic manifestation of a tale in which a man explores his own post-death existence, and though there’s no story to follow as such (mumbles, digitally altered howls and samples of what sound like distant screams abound, but there are no lyrics), you don’t get the impression he’s pulling your leg.

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Label:Archaic Devices
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Isabel Nabuurs (geb. 1976)

Breton, april 2012
