Konkurrent is de exclusieve distributeur van deze labels, in de Benelux.
- 1-2-3-4 Go!
- 100% Silk
- 1960's
- 1960s
- 1972
- 20.20.20
- 202020
- 2062
- 2mr
- 3 Palm
- 30th Century
- 37d03d
- A-Zap
- A24
- A24 Music
- Abstracke
- Acephale
- Afar
- Agitated
- Album
- Alien Transistor
- All Time Low
- All-town Sound
- Alter
- American Dust
- Ample Play
- Apf
- Apricot
- Arbutus
- Archaic Devices
- Arhoolie
- Artemesia
- Artemisia
- Ash International
- Asterisk
- Asthmatic Kitty
- At Ease
- Aurora Borealis
- Avant Night
- Awesome Tapes From Africa
- Awesome Taptes From Afria
- Aya
- Ba Da Bing
- Backwoodz Studioz
- Baked Goods
- Bar None
- Basin Rock
- Bayonet
- BB Island
- Beacon Sound
- Beats In Space
- Beautiful Happiness
- Bedroom Community
- Bedroom Suck
- Big Crown
- Big Store
- Bikini Kill
- Birdman
- Birth
- Black Bow
- Black Cricket
- Blackball
- Blackest Ever Black
- Blang
- Blank Forms
- Blank Forms Editions
- Blast First Petite
- Bloodmoss
- Blow Up
- Bo Weavil
- Body Double
- Bone Voyage
- Boner
- Born Yesterday
- Boutique
- Bym
- C.T.I.
- Caliban
- Call Of The Void
- Captured Tracks
- Carpark
- Cascine
- Cashen's Gap
- Castle Face
- Central Tones
- Chapter
- Chapter Music
- Chemikal Underground
- Chicken Coop
- Chicks On Speed
- Chiefdom
- Chimera
- Chrysalis
- Chunklet
- Cinema Paradiso
- City Centre Offices
- City Slang
- Clean Up
- Cloud
- Club AC30
- Clue
- Colemine
- Common Grounds
- Communion
- Company
- Confront
- Constellation
- Control Freak Kitten
- Cosa
- Cosmic Myth
- Count Your Lucky Stars
- Crass
- Crass Records
- Creepy Crawl
- Crepuscule
- Crispin Glover
- Critical Heights
- Crumb
- Cti
- Cvc
- Cycle
- Cyhsy
- Dadaphonic
- Daed Oceans
- Dais
- Dala
- Danger Collective
- Darling
- Daydream Libraries
- Daydream Library
- De Stijl
- Dead Oceans
- Dear Life
- Deathgod
- Deep Root
- Deepmatter
- Dial Back Sound
- Diamond West
- Dicristina Stair Builders
- Dimple
- Dimple Discs
- Dirter
- Dischord
- Disco-ordination
- Disko B
- Do Yourself In
- Dog Meat
- Dook
- Drag Racing Underground
- Drink Sum Wtr
- Drunken Fish
- Duophonic
- Dutchess
- Ear Gear
- Earth
- Eccentric Soul
- Elemental
- Empty Cellar
- Erased Tapes
- Eraserhood Sound
- Eraserhood Sound/colemine
- Etats Unis
- Ex
- Express Ring
- Factory Benelux
- Fading Captain / Recordhead
- Faitiche
- False Walls
- Family Vineyard
- Fantastic Voyage
- Farsi/mississippi
- Father/daughter
- Felte
- Female Energy
- Fencat
- Fika
- Fire
- Fire America
- Fire Soundtracks
- Flenser
- Flying Nun
- Flying Nun / Captured Tracks
- Fourth Dimension
- Freedom To Spend
- Frenzi
- Fresh Selects
- Full Time Hobby
- Gap
- Gawk
- Gbv Inc
- Gbv Inc.
- Ghost Ramp
- Ghostly Int.
- Ghostly International
- Glass Records Redux
- Gnomonsong
- God Unknown
- Goner
- Good Records
- Goofin
- Goofin'
- Goose
- Grapefruit
- Greedy Heart
- Grit Over Glamour
- Grown Up Wrong
- Guided By Voices
- Guided By Voices Inc
- Guided By Voices Inc.
- Hakuna Kulala
- Hallow Ground
- Hammock
- Handsome Dad
- Happy Jack Rock
- Hardly Art
- Heart Swells
- Heat Crimes
- Heavy Sheet
- Hello Sunshine
- Hey Buffalo
- History Of Soul
- Holy Mountain
- Honest Jons
- Honey Bear
- Hooverflag
- Household Mark
- How Do You Are?
- Humm
- Hungry Audio
- Husky Pants
- Hyperdub
- Ideologic Organ
- Iht
- Iht / Bella Figura Music
- In The Fishtank
- In The Red
- Incunabulum
- Instrumental
- Intravenal Sound
- Invada
- Jagjaguwar
- Jazz Is Dead
- Joyful Noise
- K
- Kallista
- Kanine
- Karaoke Kalk
- Karma Chief
- Katorga Works
- Keeled Scales
- Kim Deal Music
- Konkurrel
- Kooky
- Kranky
- Kultrax
- Kustomized
- L.g.
- Lakeshore
- Lame-o
- Latitudes
- Laugh A Minute
- Leaf
- Leiter
- Liberty & Lament
- Lil' Chief
- Linear Labs
- Liquid Label
- Little Red Rabbit
- LM Dupli-Cation
- Lm Duplication
- Lovepump United
- Lumberton
- Magnetic South
- Manufactured
- Marina
- Marmo
- Matsor Projects
- Mego
- Melodic
- Memorials Of Distinction
- Memory Music
- Merge
- Mergem
- Mesh Key
- Metamatic
- Miasmah
- Mimicry
- Minky
- Mississippi
- Moabit
- Modern Obscure Music
- Molecular Scream
- Monika
- Monika Enterprise
- Monotreme
- Moog Recordings Library
- Morr
- Morr Music
- Moshi Moshi
- My Big Sister
- My Proud Mountain
- Native Cat
- Nerve Center
- Neurot
- Night Bloom
- Night School
- Nightschool
- No Coincidence
- No Holiday
- No Pain In Pop
- No Quarter
- Noland
- Not Not Fun
- Nude Club
- Numbero
- Numero
- Numero Disco
- Numerophon
- Nyege Nyege
- Nyege Nyege Tapes
- Ocean Omen
- Off
- Oh Boy
- Oh Hellos
- Ohm Resistance
- On Track
- One Little Independent
- One Little Indian
- Optic Nerve
- Out
- Outre
- Palace Of Lights
- Palilalia
- Pan
- Paradise Of Bachelors
- Park The Van/we Buy Gold
- Paw Tracks
- Peek-A-Boo
- People In A Position To
- Perpetual Flame
- Phosphonic
- Pickled Egg
- Pinegrove
- Pink Flag
- Planet Mu
- Pmr
- Pompeii
- Poplar
- Poppydisc
- Posh Isolation
- Post Present Medium
- Potomak
- Pressure Sounds
- Pronounced Kroog
- Psychic Hotline
- Quarterstick
- Quite Scientific
- Radical Elite
- Reactor
- Record Collection
- Record Kicks
- Recordhead
- Red Note
- Refresh
- Remined
- Repeat Until Death
- Rhymesayers
- Rhymesayers Entertainment
- Rhythm And Blues
- Richie
- Riot Season
- Rocks In Your Head
- Rolling Heads
- Rotters Golf Club
- Rough Trade
- Rumraket
- Run For Cover
- Rune Grammofon
- Rvng Intl
- RVNG Intl.
- S S
- S-s
- Sacred Bones
- Saddest Factory
- Sahel Sounds
- Saint Marie
- Sally Forth
- Sartorial
- Scat
- Schnitzel
- Scissor Tail
- Scissor Tail Editions
- Scopitones
- Secretly Canadian
- Seeland
- Sentient Sonics
- Shack Songs
- Shelter Press
- Shimmy
- Shimmy Disc
- Shitkatapult
- Shrimper
- Siltbreeze
- Silver Current
- Sinderlyn
- Single Lock
- Skep Wax
- Skepwax
- Smalltown Supersound
- Smekkleysa
- Smells Like
- Smithsonian Folkways
- Smoeff
- Social Registry
- Soft Abuse
- Some Bizzare
- Sonata
- Sonic Youth
- Sooper
- Sound Of A Handshake
- Sounds Familyre
- Souterrain Transmissions
- Southern
- Southern Domestic
- Southern Lord
- Space Age
- Spacebomb
- Speakeasy
- Spinning Top
- Spiritual
- Spiritual Pajamas
- Splendid Research
- Spunk
- St. Ives
- Starlight Furniture
- Static Caravan
- Staubgold
- Stickman
- Sticksister
- Strap Originals
- Students Of Decay
- Sub Pop
- Subroutine
- Suicide Squeeze
- Superior Viaduct
- Supernatural Cat
- Susan Lawly
- Susanna Sonata
- Swami
- Swim
- Table Of The Elements
- Tal
- Tangled Up
- Team Love
- Tectones
- Temporary Residence
- Temprary Residence
- Tenor Vossa
- Terp
- Text
- The Spheres
- Thirty Three Thirty Three
- This Is Meru
- Thrill Jockey
- Timesig
- Timmion
- Tomlab
- Total Dust
- Touch
- Touch & Go
- Touchtheplants
- Tough Love
- Tractor Notown
- Trapped Animal
- Triangle
- Trikont
- Trouble In Mind
- Trunk
- Tsm
- Tuntum
- Turntable Friend
- Twinight
- Type
- Underwater People
- United Dairies
- Universal Egg
- Unseen World
- Unseen Worlds
- Upset The Rhythm
- Valley Of Search
- Vampire Blues
- Vanity
- Vg+
- Village Green
- Volkoren
- W.25th
- Wax Nine
- We Are Free
- We Buy Gold
- We Three
- Well Kept Secret
- Well Suspect
- Western Vinyl
- Wharf Cat
- Whistling Sam
- Wild Sound
- Willie Anderson
- Windstar
- Winspear
- Woodsist
- Words On Music
- World Of Echo
- Wrecking Light
- Xkatedral
- Zeal
- Zoo Music
- Zzk